Tips for Cleaning Your Heavy Construction Equipment

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Try these 4 tips to make your forklift perform better for longer

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Forklift trucks are a must-have for any warehouse. Whether you're renting or purchasing, you'll need to properly maintain your forklift to ensure that it performs at the highest level. Seemingly minor details (such as forgetting to change the oil) may end up getting worse over time and costing much more to repair.

Here are 4 useful tips that you should include in your forklift maintenance plan to ensure better performance whenever the machine is in use.

1. Train your staff on safe and efficient operation

Even with the best maintenance plan in town, your machine won't perform well if the operators aren't knowledgeable of best practices. Your first step should be to train your employees on how to safely operate the forklift. They should be aware of proper load management, maintaining safe speeds and manoeuvring through tight spaces. They should also be capable of identifying common operational issues that may arise so that the problem can be fixed on time.

As you train your employees, make sure the warehouse is in good condition. Damaged walkways, unstable shelves, and loose wiring may all present risks to your forklift and their operators.

2. Change the oil regularly

Engine oil in a forklift is important for many different reasons. First, the oil ensures proper lubrication of moving parts. Second, engine oil removes dirt and debris, keeping your engine cool and functional.

Failing to change engine oil is perhaps the biggest mistake forklift operators make. You should add a fresh supply every 3 months and have the engine oil flushed at least once a year.

3. Avoid overloading

Proper load management will make a big difference in the efficiency of your forklift. Many forklifts are damaged due to overloading, falling over or tyre damage. You should know the maximum limits of your lift truck and adhere to them at all times.

Trying to haul items that are too heavy may not only cause machine damage but also safety hazards in your warehouse. If necessary, prepare a load management chart that all operators should be aware of.

4. Take care of the battery

The battery is one of the most important parts of your forklift. The battery powers all electrical components inside your machine, and it needs to be charged according to the manufacturer's recommended schedule.

Charging too often may affect the battery's performance over time, and failing to charge it may cause lapses in performance. You should also allow enough time for your battery to 'rest' after a long day of work. All this information is included in the manufacturer's manual and will vary from one battery model to another. 

For more information, reach out to a used forklift supplier.
